TERA-Files: Exploring PC_Weapons_29.gpk

Another day of exploring GPK files. We’ll be going through all of the available weapon GPK files first, unless some kind soul wants to upload the GPKs that KTERA has that NATERA doesn’t. If you’re in possession of said files, send in an email through the contact button above.

Anyway, let’s get through today’s GPK: PC_Weapons_29.GPK.

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TERA-Files: Capes!

Another Thursday is here, and it could be the week for capes, if not in the next few weeks. Despite the fact that the Ninja outfits had just come out last week, consider the three facts:

  1. Reapers have been delayed to May, necessitating filler content between now and then.
  2. Patch 25.06 added in animations for some back items, and capes were the main focus of animated cosmetics.
  3. The capes’ texture data has been in our files since Celestial Weapon skins and possibly even earlier than that.

By the looks of things, there will probably be the general colored capes and two unique capes. From the looks of the textures and models, they look mostly the same. Pictures inside.

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